Arizona State University expert directory

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Patty Ferguson-Bohnee is an expert in Indian law, election law and policy matters, voting rights and status clarification of tribes.

She has represented tribal clients in administrative, state, federal, and tribal courts, as well as before state and local governing bodies and proposed revisions to the Real Estate Disclosure Reports to include tribal provisions. She has assisted in complex voting rights litigation on behalf of tribes, and she has drafted state legislative and congressional testimony on behalf of tribes with respect to voting rights’ issues.

Ferguson-Bohnee is an expert in Indian law, election law and policy matters, voting rights and status clarification of tribes.

She has also testified before the United States Senate Committee on Indian Affairs and the Louisiana State Legislature regarding tribal recognition, and has successfully assisted four Louisiana tribes in obtaining state recognition.

Contact Patty Ferguson-Bohnee

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(480) 727-8580

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Elena Bras

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In the news

It’s not their fault they don’t have a standard address or have no need for a state ID… that’s a huge issue which disproportionately impacts Native people and their ability to register and participate in the election.

Patty Ferguson-Bohnee TIME

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